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2121 2123
2124 2126
2127 2130
3201 PF-1
7602 PF-21
PF-22 PF-24
PF-5 PF-6
2183 2184
2185 2777
308 311
PF-8 950
JL-2108 JL-2930
PF-06 PF-08
PF-09 PF-10
PF-11 PF-12

JL 2930

It is a Aromatic hydrocarbons and cashew modified phenolic novolac resin in powder with heramine.

JL 2930 resin is a phenolic novolac resin modified with Aromatic hydrocarbons and cashew nut shell liguid. It is used a binder in the production of friction materials with reguire excellent friction and wear resistance .

Colour pink powder
Cure time (at 150℃) 60-80 sec
Free phenol <3%
Screen analysis (200 mesh passed) >95%

The resin should be usable for at least 3 months. under cool, dry conditions sealed containers.

Copyright: Shanghai Qinan adhesive materials plant in Shanghai, 700 South Road